Being stuck at home doesn’t mean that kids can’t enjoy new experiences.

While options are limited for the time being, there are still all kinds of resources available online to keep kids engaged– and to give parents a bit of a break!

For all the young animal-lovers out there, here are some fun virtual activities and events to check out:

Burrowing Owl Cams – San Diego Zoo

Check out this zoo’s live cam of a pair of off-exhibit burrowing owls!

The western burrowing owl Athene cunciularia hypugaea is in danger of becoming locally extinct, but San Diego Zoo Global’s Burrowing Owl Recovery Program is working with partners to help curb this decline through a breeding and release program. LINK

PandaCam – Zoo Atlanta

Keep an eye on what these bamboo-eating giant pandas are up to throughout the day at this Georgia zoo! LINK

Rabbit Roundup – Scholastic


Scholastic’s Watch & Learn Library offers a whole bunch of fun educational videos and quizzes. Check out Rabbit Roundup to learn all about some furry hoppers and boppers! LINK

Live Birds in 4K – Cornell Lab FeederWatch

Cornell Lab’s Treman Bird Feeding Garden attracts chickadees, woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, and more! Check them out on this high-quality live cam. LINK

Updated on June 5 2020